Do's and Dont's  After  Spine Surgery

Physical Therapy

This will save you from putting your spine in positions that can harm you in the longer run and pain.


Rushing can cause damage that may last forever.

Do's and Dont's  After  Spine Surgery

Watch for Infection

Notice signs like redness, fever, swelling, or drainage at the incision site.

Overdo It

Keep a track of your physical activities and how longer you do it.

Do's and Dont's  After  Spine Surgery

Control your Sugar Levels

High and low blood sugar levels can affect the healing process.

Lift or Bend

Don’t lift heavy objects and ensure you don't bend at your waist.

Do's and Dont's  After  Spine Surgery

Wear a Brace

Doctor’s suggest wearing a brace post surgery as it helps in your recovery.


Smoking cigarettes interferes with the healing process of bone and tissues.

Do's and Dont's  After  Spine Surgery

Move Regularly

Better blood circulation, which helps the body to heal quicker.

Ignore Doctor’s Instructions

A major reason for unsuccessful surgeries and danger situations.